Guestbook of the Finke Family

67. Sandra
All the best from germany !!!

66. Entchen
WOW, Eure HP ist spitze!!!!

65. Peter
Mail Home
Hallo zusammen, wir sind ein kleiner Fasnetsclub im schönen Ettlingen und freuen uns auf den 11.11.04... Schaut Euch doch mal unsere HP an. . Sind für Anregungen immer dankbar! Lieben Gruß an Alle! Peter

64. Anthony Finke
There is a family of us Finkes in the Uk who have been here since the mid 19th centuary. I have started researching and hope against hopes that someone out there may be related. We came from what is now Osterholz Scharmbeck. Is anybody out there related to Anton Finke born 25th March 1809. His mother was Anna Elisabeth Tietjen.I have records from him to me but little further back and even less side ways. Is there a family history society in Osterholz Scharmbeck

63. penny
Nice site - I like it

62. Edward V. u. Alma J.Fincke
Greetings from Pittsburgh !
Our ancestor Christian (1802-1866) and his wife Christiane left Hanover, Hannover about 1835. Several of our children have studied in Germany. Our oldest is Michael, who is the Astronaut in orbit now. Wie Sie will , Ich moechte ein NASA Foto aufgeben. Bitte geben Sie uns eine Post Adresse.
Much can be read about Mike on the Internet.
At the NASA Site there are pictures of his 2 children and wife . Also, you may find a film clip of his baby pictures , and some of his brothers and sisters.Of course ther are many Blond and Redhead children !
I work for BAKER , a Civil Engineering Company and travel a fair amount for them. My wife Alma is a Registered nurse and admits Patients to her Rehab unit .
warm regards , Ed & Alma

61. Kim
Keep up the interesting work

60. Martin
Nice Site, keep it on !

Greetz from Germany

59. Hondo
Mail Home
Great Site.

58. Christian A.Finke
Hi,ye Finkes,

it`s nice to find some more Finkes in the net.
As you probably guess, we are 7 Finken
Maike(37),Christian (36),Jershon(13),Josua(12),Salome(10),Leah(8)und Tabea(5).
Do you know the meaning of our name?
FINKE-altdeutsch-friesisch:loser Geselle
lebensfroh und sangesfreudig.
also viel Spass beim singen.

.: box66 :.