Festival de Fribourg
Jun 13.2004 16:58
Christina Pluhar et L'Arpeggiata donneront le spectacle "Homo fugit velut umbra" au Festival de musique sacree de Fribourg (CH) le 10 juillet. Informations et billets: www.fms-fribourg.ch |
John Curley
Jun 13.2004 16:49
Dear Christina, I happened to be on vacation in the south of France last week and had the chance to be able to listen to your concert in the wonderful church of Maguelone. It was the absolute best concert I have ever seen in my life! Your singers are absolutely splendid, and your dancer is great, the programme is fascinating and touching! Hope to be able to see you soon again somewhere. Best wiches to all of you Yours John |
John Ritchie
Jun 12.2004 12:56
Hello Christina, I attended the recent concert given by L'Arpeggiata in Belfast. I immediately became a fan and I would like to thank you and the other musicians for a wonderful evening. I had not heard much early music before and the marvellous interpretations which you presented that evening have introduced me to a new world of music. Congratulations to the beautiful dancer who helped to bring the music alive and to Marco and all the rest of you, it was superb. I listened to the BBC broadcast of the concert and enjoyed it all again. I tracked down a CD and it arrived in Belfast this morning and now I can listen to the music of Stefano Landi here at home. I am now waiting for my Tarantella CD to arrive. Please come back to Belfast very soon and best wishes to all of you, John Ritchie. |
Jun 11.2004 07:36
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Christina Pluhar et l'Arpegiatta en concert à Namur (Belgique) le 7 juillet. http://www.philharmonique.be |
Thierry - Paris
Jun 08.2004 12:17
I traveled to Nantes especially for your "Landi" concert last month. I was lucky enough to be in the first row in teh middle. And I think I have not experienced such an emotion for a long time in a concert. Ttogether with Le Poëme Harmonique and some other ensembles (not so many), your love, enthousiasm for what you are producing together is so perceivable that it is communicated to us. I do not like the idea of being an "absolute fan", but this is no other sentiment that you generate. Thanks so much, take care and please remain as joyful ! |
Sabine Köhler
Jun 04.2004 14:41
Hallo, wollte Ihnen nur sagen, daß Ihr Konzert in Regensburg super war! Die beiden Sänger , Galeazzi und Catapano, sind einfach toll: so ausdrucksvoll und auch so humorvoll. Ich hoffe, Sie und Ihre Truppe bald wieder in Deutschland zu hören! Sabine |
Ursula Meier
Jun 01.2004 20:00
Liebe Frau Pluhar, vielen Dank für das tolle Konzert in Regensburg, ich war noch nie so begeistert von "alter" Musik, Ihre Musik ist so aktuell und berührend!!! Luciano Catapano hat eine fantastische Stimme, und war für mich eine grosse Entdeckung. Liebe Grüsse Ursula Meier |
Margarida Coelho
May 22.2004 08:03
Dear Christina, I am a great admirer of the work of L'Arpeggiata. "La Tarantella" was one of the most remarkable musical discoveries in my life! This was the CD that I gave to lots of friends during this year . With kindest regards, Margarida Coelho |
May 10.2004 19:06
I read on a link that you will be performing with Gianluigi Trovesi in France? Oh my..if only I was a bit more local, I would love to see that concert. He is one of my absolute top jazz favorites. I appreciate his whimsy and the elements of classical music that pervades his work. Success and best wishes, Steve |
Dieter Bauer
May 05.2004 10:53
Liebe Frau Pluhar, ich habe im internet gelesen, daß Sie eine neue CD "All'Improvviso" mit Gianluigi Trovesi herausbringen. Ich warte schon sehnsüchtig auf eine neue CD von Ihnen (als großer Arpeggiatafan...). Ab wann ist die neue CD in Deutschland erhältlich? Dieter Bauer |
Feb 10.2004 10:26
Superbe concert a Dôle!!!!! Je voulais vous remercier et vous faire part de la joie que j'ai eue à vous écouter! Bravo et au plaisir de vous ré-entendre! Mathilde |
Rainer Clos
Jan 27.2004 12:29
Wollt nur wissen lassen, dass Sie schöne und einfühlsame Musik machen. Allerhand Grüße, Rainer Clos |
Gill Robinson
Jan 14.2004 17:11
Chere Christina Pluhar, Est-ce que vous pouvez me dire, s'il vous plait,si L'Arpeggiata viendrez en Angletere cette annee pour donner des concerts de votre musique merveilleuse ? J'adore "La Tarantella" - c'est vraiment superbe ! Etonnante, emouvante et tellement plein de vitalite. Felicitations ! Amities, Gill Robinson |
Gary Wright
Jan 06.2004 11:08
Happy New Year! I have all your CDs on Alpha label (and the older Piccinini disc on L'empreinte digitale) and I want you to know what great pleasure I derive from your superb recordings. I have recently bought several SACD titles on Alia Vox, Hyperion and several other early music labels and I must tell you how truly wonderful they sound. I would quickly buy all your CDs again if I could get SACD versions of them. Are any of your discs likely to be recorded or remastered for SACD soon? I do hope you will ask your labels to do so. Even top class standard CD recordings like Alpha's benefit hugely from SACD quality. I look forward to your future discs and hope you visit San Francisco for a concert in the future (Berkeley Early Music Festival?) so I can say hello personally! Regards, Gary Wright |
Lisbeth Silver
Jan 04.2004 18:51
I have discovered the "Tarantella" and given about 20 Cd's to my family and friends for X-mas! When can we hear the new Arpeggiata CD? I hope it will contain the brillant singers Marco Beasley and Lucilla Galeazzi as well, they work so well together! Happy New Year to all of you from London and may 2004 bring you all lots of joy with your music! Yours Lisbeth Silver |
Michael Larrass
Dec 16.2003 23:42
Chers amis, J'ai reçu en cadeau La Tarantella. Je n'ai jamais eu un cadeau musical aussi précieux - sauf mon violon. Quelle merveille que la première chanson! Et le soigné des textes. Grand merci de ce petit chef-d'oeuvre! Bien à vous Michael Larrass Ottawa |
Hubert Maitre
Nov 01.2003 23:56
Bonjour, J'étais hier soir à Gaveau, et je voulais vous remercier et vous faire part de la joie que j'ai eue à vous écouter (et à vous regarder, d'ailleurs !). Cette joie était probablement un écho à celle que vous et votre formation affichiez sur scène, et qui était si communicative ! Quand vous reverrons-nous à Paris ??? Encore bravo, donc, et au plaisir de vous ré-entendre, Hubert MAITRE PS : Je constate avec tristesse que vous ne prévoyez pour l'instant pas d'autre concert parisien... Je vais donc continuer à passer vos disques en boucle ! |
Christina Pluhar
Oct 21.2003 21:07
Dear Sir, thank you for your mail and the interest in the technical side of our recordings. All CD'S of Arpeggiata are recorded with two central microphones only, and the balance between instruments is made by our wonderful recording master Hueges Descheaux. This is our philosophie about recording, because it preserves at most a "live" -music making, quite different then studio recordings with multi-channel and re-recording possibilities. We try to preserve the magic of the moment as natural as possible, without any later modifications to the sound. Hope this information is helpful Greetings Christina Pluhar |
James Stephens
Oct 15.2003 23:55
Dear Christina, I listened to the BBC's Early Music Show the other day and heard your wonderful recordings. I live in New York and have searched several music shops and cannot find them. Are they available here? Lu povero 'Ntonuccio was so beautiful and, as Catherine Bott put it, heart stopping Are you and L'Arpeggiata appearing in the US in the near future? Congratulation to you and L'Arpeggiata. Kind regards James Stephens |
Erik Pezarro
Oct 13.2003 16:53
Dear Christina Pluhar, What a delightful interview you gave to Catherine Bott last week! Your musicianship & sense of humour simply erupted from the speakers. Who needs television? This afternoon I'll rush out and try to find your CD's. Kind regards, Erik Pezarro Dorinde van Oort |
Julia Desch
Aug 03.2003 18:39
Dear Christina Your two recordings are so beautiful, direct and immediate, they quite take my breath away. Are you running any workshops at all on the Tarantella music? Is it possible to find any of these songs written down? I have just done a workshop with Alessandra Belloni on the drumming and it is quite inspiring. If you have time to reply it would be very kind. Yours Julia Desch |
Matthew Kettle
Jul 31.2003 08:34
Dear Christina I want to thank you again for the wonderful concerts we have been fortunate to attend during last year's Lufthansa festival here in London and in May of this year at Arques-la- Battaile. It was lovely to hear the Landi 'live' and to have seen you afterwards, albeit very briefly. We have managed to get tickets for the concert in Brugge next month and we look forward to seeing you again. I think we can officially described as fans of your music! See you very soon. Regards, Matthew Kettle and José L. Gonzalez-Garcia |
Jun 18.2003 09:53
Dear Christina, I heard your concerts this weekend and it was the best concerts I have ever heard in my life, just absulotely magic and wonderful! Marco Beasley was just absolutely incredible, the high level of music making with the instrumentists of Arpeggiata really stunning. Your harp-playing together with his voice is a dream! Lucilla Galeazzi is really amazing as well, strong and passionate, with this most beautiful voice and stage-presence. To hear and especially see (!) both soloists in one performance was a wonderful experience!!! Thank you for putting this together, thank you to the wonderful singers, thank you to the amazing instrumentalists and the beautiful coulours and improvisations and thank you for bringing this beauty to the world! Maggi |
myriam boone
Jun 16.2003 21:57
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quel superbe concert ce dimanche à st Michel en france ! Merci! |
Familie Verinden
Apr 27.2003 11:33
Geachte mevrouw Pluhar, Proficiat met "La Tarantella" !! Een parel die bij ons dagelijks beluisterd wordt! We genieten van deze muziek met volle teugen! Groeten, de familie Verinden |
Joost Van Dosselaer
Apr 03.2003 22:16
Dag Christina, Allereerst proficiat met de fantastische cd's die je gemaakt hebt. Ik geniet er iedere dag van. Ik kom absoluut luisteren in Brugge deze zomer, de kaarten zijn al besteld. Alvast bedankt op voorhand en tot in Brugge. Vele muzikale groeten Joost Van Dosselaer ps : ik hoop snel terug een nieuwe fantastische cd van jullie te horen. |
Gerda Hofer-Taferner
Feb 28.2003 06:37
La Tarantella: Wir hören diese wunderbare CD täglich! DANKE! Gerda Hofer-Taferner |
Adrian Newton
Feb 20.2003 20:13
I have just purchased La Tarantella and wanted to tell you how marvellous I think it is. The music is a joy to listen too - and, for me, a brilliant introduction to music of this genre. I heard of you and your work through a track being played on BBC Radio 3. Once again, thank you for producing such a vibrant and passionate piece of work. I hope maybe to see you in performance one day. With best wishes Adrian Newton |
Philippe Aubé
Feb 20.2003 10:09
Je viens acquérir "La Tarantella" Une pure merveille...merci pour ces instants de bonheur... A quand le prochain? Philippe Aubé |
Marta Oleszczuk
Feb 10.2003 15:30
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I've dreamt "Ah, vita bella!" a lot of time... thank you... |
Dariusz Czaia, Poland
Jan 29.2003 15:45
Miss Galeazzi, thanks a lot for yor extraordinary record with L'Arpeggiata. I'm really moved of your voice and the whole recording. Pizzicarella mia - I'm on my knees; Lu povero 'Ntonuccio - I'm really weeping. I share my joy with my young friends, I'm trying to pass this record wherever I can. At present I started to write with my commentary on La Tarantella to one of polish stunning weeklies. Grazie mille - listener from Poland - Dariusz (Dario) Czaja - Jagiellonian University (Cracovia), Institute of Culture Anthropology P.S. Please join us in Poland as soon as possibly. Thank you again. You've got almost 30 fans (all of them are my students) in Cracov only. Don't leave us alone. We really need you!!!! My son, Francesco (he is very adult, he is one and a half) is getting crazy when listen to Pizzicarella mia, he is dancing like a really possessed person, he whirls around and bow. Jesus, what a view! I call him Mister Dancing with Spiders! That's You, Lucilla, personally, You are guilty, You have bittten him. I'll never forgive You. His another favourite tune is Homo fugit velut umbra from Stefano Landi recording. The same view as mentioned before, but with better understanding of the lyrics: bisogna morire, bisogna morire.... My goodness, he dances, as if he knew, poverello... (by the way, my deepest thanks to Marco, on my private list he is Marco Pantani of Italian Voice!) |
John Mclean
Jan 15.2003 22:26
Hello Christina: I hope you are well. I am writing to let you know what Jon-Michael and I think of the recordings which you gave us when we met in early December. The Landi recording is simply superb. I can see why it has received so many awards. It is so musical and inspiring to listen to. La Tarantella is beyond words. I don't want to seem trite in my response here. The arrangements are exemplary for recordings of this nature. I looked in my collection and I have a couple of tarantella recordings (Antonio Fiori), which are good. But, when listening to your arrangements performed by the exceptionally well-chosen group of performers, this recording reaches new heights in early music. Marco Beasley's voice is so captivating framed by your harp playing. The progression of songs throughout the recording complements the listening experience very well. It truly is an amazing recording in every way. I spoke with Premiere Distributions (Alpha distributors in the US) owner and he said that that he cannot get any copies of La Tarantella as it has sold so quickly. We were truly inspired by this recording. May the muse continue to be with you, Christina. Greetings, John |
Jean Detheux
Jan 09.2003 16:43
Bonjour, Je vous écris un mot à partir de McDonald's Corners, un tout petit village de l'Est de l'Ontario, près de Perth, à 100 km à l'Ouest d'Ottawa, au Canada. La semaine passée, j'ai entendu quelques extraits du disque "La Tarentella" pendant une émission de la chaîne culturelle de Radio Canada ("Les Beaux Jours"), et j'ai été tellement touché par cette musique, j'ai dû acheter le CD immédiatement (par émail). Le disque est arrivé aujourd'hui, quelle merveille. Non, je ne crois pas avoir été piqué par une araignée, mais cette musique me soigne l'âme quand même, et ce au plus haut point! Je tiens à vous remercier d'avoir offert cette belle médecine à un monde qui en a bien besoin. Encore merci, du fond du coeur. Jean Detheux |
Jan 05.2003 16:55
Dear Christina, I love your CD's and I listen to them all the time. I hope you will make more amazing CD's with Marco Beasley. I think the combination of your group, your creativity, your intelligent research of repertoire and his beautiful voice and very special musical culture is the most amazing and magic combination that the early music scene has at the moment. Please let us share more of this magic with you!!!! All the best and thank you! Sandra |
Jan 02.2003 10:48
Dear Christina, I had the opportunity of being at the concert "La Tarantella" in Madrid last 23th december. It was a joy to the ear and I bougtht the CD. It has accompannied me the last days of 2002 having a healing effect in my soul. Thank you very much for giving away your talents, to you and to all the members of L'Arpeggiata. Have all of you the most happy 2003. Luz |
Dec 09.2002 22:34
Dear Christina, i just got "Stefano Landi - Homo fugit velut umbra" for my birthday. I was trying to follow the text of Augellin while I was listening to it and I discoverd that the written text is missing a piece. I found it such a pitty as I had decided to learn it by heart. But as I don't speak Italian, I can't understand the words... So would I ask too much if I asked you to send me the lyrics of Augellin? Thank you, Márti Bencze from Holland |